Why Move With A Portable Storage Unit

When you are packing up to move to a new place, you are not limited to renting a moving truck and hiring movers. You can now get the job done by renting moving storage units instead. This is quite different from the traditional way of moving, but can offer several benefits you may not have thought of.

What Are Moving Storage Units?

A moving storage unit is a large box that is delivered to your home and placed on your lawn. You fill up the unit with your boxes and other belongings, and then the company returns to pick up the boxes when you are ready. Each moving storage unit is loaded onto a truck, delivered to your new home, and dropped off in a similar manner.

Why Are Moving Storage Units A Better Way To Move?

Many people enjoy using moving storage units because of how much more flexible it allows them to be. You can pack up boxes in your home and take them directly to the moving storage unit, getting that box out of the house and out of the way. You can take your focus off of what has been packed, and only look at what is left in your home.

Moving storage units also allow you to move on your terms. You can gradually fill up the units over a longer period of time, putting boxes into the units during the week by packing a little bit each night after work. There won't be a rush to get everything done in a single day before the move.

You will not need to estimate how big of a truck you need either. If you get to a point where you have filled up all the moving storage units that you have, you can simply request another one for your move. This puts less stress on the guesswork needed to rent the right sized moving truck.

It can also help to prioritize each moving storage unit with what is inside. You can have a storage unit with your essential belongings that is unpacked first, and then fill up other units with items you don't need right away. This can help you move in on your terms as well, which you can't do with other moving methods.

These are just a few benefits of using moving storage units. For more info, check with a provider in your area, such as Acorn Self Service Storage.
