How To Get More Out Of A Small Storage Unit

The more you have to store, the larger the storage unit you will need to rent. But there may be times when renting a larger unit is not an option. Maybe you're on a really tight budget, or perhaps the storage facility near you only offers units in a certain size. Don't dismay. While you can't create space out of nowhere, there are steps you can take to squeeze more into your small storage unit.

Fill all of your boxes completely

A box takes up the same amount of space whether it's half-full or totally full. So, make it your mission not to leave any empty space in any of your boxes. If there's a little space left at the top of a box, look around for a few small items you can squeeze in.

Choose smaller boxes

Smaller boxes are easier to wedge into corners and stack to the ceiling. You may need some larger boxes for bigger items, but do include plenty of smaller boxes in your supplies. You can use old shoeboxes or buy 12 x 12 moving boxes from a moving supply company.

Vacuum pack your linens and clothing

You'd be surprised how much air is incorporated into your clothing, towels, and linens. If you use a vacuum packing machine to squeeze this air out, your linens and towels will take up much less room. If you do not have your own vacuum sealing machine, see if a friend has one you can borrow. It should only take you a few minutes to vacuum pack all of your soft items. (You can even vacuum pack pillows and stuffed animals.)

Use shelves

If you have a lot of small items to put in the storage unit, consider purchasing a small shelving system. You can put it against one wall and use it to keep small items organized, so they take up less space.

Get rid of extras

You should be careful to pare down your possessions whenever you put items into storage, but this is even more important when your storage unit is small. Use great discretion when deciding to keep anything. If you are not absolutely confident you will need it, donate it or throw it away. You can always replace cheap items later, if needed, and chances are, you won't miss most things you discard.

With the tips above, you can make do with a smaller storage unit. Speak to local storage facilities about mini storage units to learn more.
